my older cousin

Created by Martin 4 years ago

With both of our families living in Bracknell, every now and then when i was very young i would stay with you and aunty Irene and uncle Jim. I can remember i would often be annoying and hang around your room and go through your records. You used to give me all your old records ( Elton john "crocodile rock", the Sweet "block buster" was the 70's !! ) and you even gave me my first record player to play them on and when i got home i played those same couple of records over and over again, i felt so grown up!

Memories like that have stayed with me all my life (im now 53) Id like to pretend i was cooler and not have Elton John as my first record but I'm proud to say im not ! Thank you for introducing me into owning and collecting music its a passion i still have to this day.

Stephen you were taken far too early, it was a shock to hear you had passed.

My thoughts are with you and your family. RIP x

Martin Rose x